Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Blog from the Past...

So as I was looking over some documents, I found this "note" that I posted on Facebook early this year when my friend and I missed our One Republic concert. Here is the note (kind of embarassing but whatever):

NoRepublic - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 11:56pm

So today me and one of my best friends were going to a One Republic Concert in Toronto. We live in Ancaster which is about an hour away. So throughout school I was excited for the concert and after school she came on the bust home with me. My mom gave us food and I was originally supposed to go to my orthodontist to pick up my retainer but they called and resechuduled due to weather. That should've warned us.

So my mom drops us off to the train station and we take the Express bus down to Toronto. The minute we get off the bus (6:00), a huge clap of thunder and lightning. It scared both of us. We felt like we were in a war ground. The weather was HORRIBLE. SNOW EVERYWHERE.

We take the subway down to the station we were supposed to get off at. It was COLLEGE station and ACCORDING TO YAHOO MAPS the club they were playing at "MOD CLUB" was two minutes away from the station. We arrive at the station and get off and start walking in the horrible snow. Changing directions over and over to avoid snow. After about 10 minutes we're like "where is it" so we ask someone and they say its about 1/2 hour away from where you are now. We were like OMG!!!!!

We continue to walk hoping a street car will come but none came. Finally after about 15 minutes of walking we stop at a variety store asking how much further and apparently they said another 25 minutes! WE WERRE LIKE "EFFFFFFFFFFFFF". The time was 7:00 when we were at the variety store. The show was at 7:00. Weather was horrible. Snow everywhere. Cars were moving slower than us. No streetcars in sight.

They told us the streetcars were the best way to get there the fastest so we waited....and waited....and waited. Finally we're like you know what, lets go home. The weather is horrible and we're hungry and we live an hour away. So we went to the Burger King across the street-car stop and the moment we were about to order, I saw the street car coming so i'm like "Let's hurry". So the streetcar came and it was overpacked so waited for the next one which was right behind the other. We climbed onto that one only to know it only goes halfway to the club.

It dropped us off at 500 college. The club was at 722 college. We walked and walked and walked some the snow. Finally after 10 minutes of more walking we arrive at the club. We go inside and they were like "Oh OneRepublic Cancelled tonight. Ryan Lost his voice so its rescheduled to May. You can use your tickets then". WE WERE LIKE FACKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All that walking for nothing. It was weird cuz the club was so small we probably could've met them too. So the girl was like the closest subway is where you came from take a street car bakc. It'll come every 10 minutes.

We were so dissapointed. We were like Ryan, "Its too late for you to apologize" . So we waited for the streetcar that took forever to come so we started walking back. Her hair was frozen. My hair was frozen. We were walking back and finally were like, this is pathetic. We werre sad. We both looked like we were about to cry. Our hands were frozen. Our hair was frozen. We were wet all over. Finally we stopped and said lets wait for the streetcar. After another 20 minutes of waiting it came. The time was 8:15. We were on a packed streetcar.

We finally get back to the train station and realize we had a minute to get to the bus before it left to go back to Hamilton. That meant NO FOOD. . So we get on the bus finally and couldn't sit together cuz there wasn't enough seats. The bus ride that would normally take an hour, took about an hour and a half and I had to go to the washroom sooo baddd. Finally we arrive at about 10:00 and we go to the McDonalds and get food and warm up. I called my mom to pick us up and they did by like 10:45. She asked what happened and we told her and like a mom she was like "I knew you shouldn't have gone". We dropped my friend home and then came home right now. My friend and I live 5 minutes away from eachother but the drive to her place and back to mine took about 20 minutes cuz of all the snow.

I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm dissapointed, I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm hoping there's a snow day tommorow.

Embarassing much? Maybe a little, but I thought it would be neat to post since updates have been a bit slow lately.

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