Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Been A While...

Break The Ice - Britney Spears

It's been a while, I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting...but I'm here now. That's how that song goes. It definitely has been a while since my last post and I really don't know where to begin. The last month and half has been crazy busy with school and life in Ottawa that I haven't really gotten a chance to write much lately. Let's see if I can catch you up on everything going on...

About a month ago I went back to Toronto for the second time since I've been to Ottawa. This time the visit was longer and it was definitely more fun filled. I was able to go back to Ancaster once again and meet some friends and also went to Niagara Falls to meet a new friend whom I've gotten to know pretty well in a short period of time. The visit was generally on the positive end with some exceptions of course but overall I had a good time. I was pretty sure that was my last visit back for a while, however things changed and I went to Toronto sooner than I thought. After my second and final chemistry midterm on the 28th of November, I was preparing to go back to Toronto with my brother-in-law and sister. That was stalled with weather keeping us in Ottawa an extra day and as a result we went back the next day. The visit was very short indeed but it was very much enjoyed. Some friends visited and we checked out a restaurant called Moxies in Yorkdale and just hung out for a bit. I also spent some quality time with my parents and it had been a while since that happened.

After coming home the exam period started and luckily I only have two exams coming up for the semester. Of course good things do come at cost, and that cost was a bad exam schedule resulting in missing a relative's wedding. For the time remaining tho I was able to find a job which will keep me busy during the break.

I'm pretty excited for the upcoming break as I hear that winter in Ottawa brings many great festivities. These come at a price as well and that's very cold temperatures. As well, just today the OC Transpo (Ottawa Bus service) just went on strike! To some that means nothing, but to people like me that means no transportation! Heavily relying on the bus for everywhere I go, getting to my exam and getting to work will be a little dilemma, however I can walk to the latter so we'll see what happens.

Hopefully reading this has given you a little bit of an update on what's going on. Of all the blogs posted, this is probably the least interesting and probably most different from my typical blogs. What I'm trying to say is that there was a little break between entries, but holidays coming up, I'll be more up to date with the entries so keep a look out for those!

1 comment:

lakeofdreams said...

its really great to be reading your posts again, nothing too intense but we've been having many of those type of talks lately so its all good, haha. im glad you've been having great trips when you came back here, and it was really nice of your friends to drop by. it sucks that you miss a wedding, you could have been brown and danced like the burnt brown cookie you are :) ahaha. i hope you do well on your exams though! all the best to you, inshallah you'll do ahhmayyyzing. you really are a hard worker, you'll make me proud :) cant wait till you get this semester over with! yayyyy!

it was ~refreshing~ to be reading your work again, can't wait for more updates, you little weasel ;)