Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Very GaGa Birthday

Starstruck – Lady GaGa

I’m so starstruck, baby could you blow my heart up. That song by Lady GaGa is ironically how I felt on my 19th birthday at Lady GaGa’s after party at Tila Tequila. It was a day filled with Lady GaGa. On March 27th, it was Lady GaGa’s concert at the Bronson Centre in Ottawa. Right after the concert, which ended around 11:30, there was an after party at Tila Tequila that started at 12:00. At 12:00 it would be March 28th, both mine and Lady GaGa’s birthday.

I rushed from the concert to Tila Tequila. It wasn’t very far by walk but wasn’t that close either. I luckily got a bus that helped me reach Tila faster. The minute the clock turned 12:00, I got bombarded with phone calls and texts wishing me Happy Birthday. At that point I was about a block away from the club. It was a little after 12:00 and my roommate was in line waiting for me. I started running towards the club when I hear a voice call “KHIZER?!” I looked back and it was one of my friends who I invited to the party. With a sigh of relief that I wasn’t the only one who was a little late, I slowed down the pace and we made it to Tila Tequila around 12:20.
Thankfully because my roommate was waiting in line, we were able to jump to the front and didn’t have to wait much longer. The bouncer was looking at us and was like “Are you all 19?” They answered yes, and my roommate was like “It’s his 19th birthday today!” The bouncer looked at my I.D., said Happy Birthday and let us in. It was my first time in a club legal, with Lady GaGa, on both of our birthdays. It was very exciting.

As we went in my roommate said she was there when Lady GaGa went in, and that she was tiny, gorgeous, skinny, and just beautiful. I was excited to get in and see her for myself. After getting our coats checked, we make our way through the crowd and get into the general area where Lady GaGa is partying. When we first got in, we were considerably far from her near the back of the crowd. Slowly, we danced our way all the way to the front where there was nothing but a table between us and Lady GaGa. It was so cool and exciting. We couldn’t take our eyes off her and we still couldn’t believe that we were partying with her.

Lady GaGa stood up and started giving us all cake. Eventually, she opened up a bottle of Vodka and started pouring it in our mouths. Because I don’t drink, I moved away and let the vodka pour over my hair, clothes and body. Yes, it was a little disgusting, but it was coming from Lady GaGa herself. That added a lot of stimulation. The night continued on as such; music played we danced, Lady GaGa danced and interacted with us. I was literally in arms reach of her. I wanted to ask for an autograph or a picture, but since there were so many people behind us and because it was her birthday, I didn’t want to impose. Being that close to her and partying with her was good enough.

The night goes on and the DJ plays Lady GaGa’s hit single “Just Dance”. The crowd went crazy as did Lady GaGa. She got her mic and started singing along and dancing. I thought I’d get some video footage so I started filming. She held her mic out so people could sing as well. I tried to bypass their horrible voices and focused on GaGa. As the song went on she eventually brought the mic right into my camera. I was Starstruck. I couldn’t hold my camera straight because of all my exhilaration. She moved away, the song continued and she was just dancing with us at this point. I reached out my hand, trying to get her to hold mine. She sees it. At the end of the song when she sings her last line, “Just Danceeee” and it echoes out, she looks me in the eyes and reaches out her hand to grab mine. I was on cloud 9. If I had to leave the club right now, I’d be satisfied. The night was amazing. It was a birthday like no other.

Soon after, Lady GaGa left. My friends and I continued to party for a bit before we called it a night. We picked up a taxi and head home. The whole ride home all I could think of was the amazing night we had. It was still only the start. It was around 2:00AM on March 28th and I still had the whole day left to enjoy my 19th. To be honest, the after party was more than enough for me. The night was marvellous and I could ask for no more. As Lady GaGa puts it in her song Starstruck, she really did “blow my heart up”.


lakeofdreams said...

awww! you've told me this story like 3 times already but aww! im so glad this year your birthday was amazing! and she held your hand! wowwwwww, this surely is somethiing you'll never forget eh eh? theres nothing else i can say, hahah.

Anonymous said...

you are the sex, that is the most epic 19th birthday story i have ever heard of. way better then what i did. :D