Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MuchMusic, Make Me A VJ

When I Grow Up - Pussycat Dolls

When I Grow Up, I wanna be a famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies....Be on TV, people know me. When I Grow Up.

Yes, I used this song as an opener before, but this was probably the best song I could find to describe this blog right here. This lead single from the Pussycat Dolls' second album, Doll Domination, is exactly how I've been feeling, not only all my life but this current week!

As you guys must already know (or come to the conclusion), I love MuchMusic. I've been to their events, I've auditioned for them multiple times, and my passion and adoration for music and knowledge of celebrity pop culture makes me perfect for the job! Like the Pussycat Dolls sing, I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies! I wanna be on TV, and have people know me! However, that's not the only reason why I want the job. Actually, the main reason I want the job is because of my passion for music and my obsession over pop culture!

So, forunately for me, they have their VJ Search 2.0 going on, and after weeks of planning and production, my audition is finally out!

Not only on YouTube, but my audition is available on MuchMusic's website and is available for everyone to watch, rate, and spread the word!

Now, speaking of spreading the word, today I also realized at the amazing friends I have. It hasn't even been 24 hours that I have had the audition up, that all my friends are posting my links to their walls and getting their friends to do it as well. Some of my best friends from high school and even friends I only talked to once or twice are spreading the word! My audition isn't limited to Facebook! I've got friends on Twitter who are tweeting about my audition like crazy, and are getting their followers to rate, comment, and spread! In addition to Facebook and Twitter, I'm also a part of a few forums on which I'm getting people to spread the word!

I would like to take this time to thank EVERY SINGLE PERSON who is taking the the time out to rate me, watch my audition, and spread the word! Every little bit helps! Though I don't like naming names on this blog, a few people said somethings that really brought a smile to my face. I am posting some of those quotes below:

"Vote Khizer for the next MuchMusic VJ!!!♥ He knows the celebs, knows the gossip, knows the music, and is so easy to talk to! :) "

"if you don't win I'm going to lose faith in music television... okay, that already happened but still, you deserve it!"

"you deserve it man! Ive never met someone try so hard for something"

"im not gunna lie, when i first heard about the contest i was like "khizer is gunna win""

"oh don't worry ur a natural, u'll win this thing"

"You know what's stupid Khiz? ppl just post photos of them "looking hot" etc. and that's it - they cant even post a vid and reason why thy should be a vj. This isn't a competition based on looks. I really hope you make the top... 16 because I know this has been ur life long dream, and anyone who knows you knows you have what it takes and more :)"

"LOL khizer that video is hilarious!! good job!! good luck, i went on and voted. you so deserve this haha!"

"Not only did I vote for you, I sabotaged everyone elses votes. They all got one stars. Tee Hee."

"Khizer!! YOU ARE HILARIOUS! LOVE YOU. I'm a contestant too (#2191) But you def have what it takes. I think you made a ref to Latoya Howard in your aud vid (i think). Anyway she stole over 23K worth of things out of my house! Then fled back to Canada. I hope you win babe!!"

"Vote or die"

These are a few of many amazing feedback I got! You all know me enough to know that I have the drive and passion for this job! Thank you once again to everyone spreading the word, inviting their friends to join my group, tweeting about it on their twitter, posting the links to their facebook, commenting and rating on YouTube and rating on the site! You guys all know who you are and it means so much to me.

I pray that I win this thing and take it home!

For those reading right now here's your chance to watch my audition, comment on my video, join my group, rate my entry, and spread the word!

All it takes is 3 Simple Steps:

1) Watch my audition video on YouTube here:

2) Rate my audition video on the Official VJ Search Website here:

3) Join this group, and invite all your friends to do the same here:


lakeofdreams said...

I can't tell you this enough: your friends, your family; we're always always always ALWAYS here for you! Khizer you have so much to be proud of, and even this itself, your strive and love for music and broadcast, this is something you should surely be proud of! Never give up on your dreams, if you try, you can reach them, and this, you WILL reach this. I believe in you, we all do! Who better for MUCH than Khizer? Silly, I love you! :) We're always here to love and support, especially for when you're trying to achieve your goal and dreams! :D

J-moose said...

If I was to have anyone be the new vj, it would be you for sure Khizer.