Monday, November 30, 2009


Paranoid – Jonas Brothers

It’s like a poison in my brain. It’s like a fog that blurs the sane. It’s like a vine you can’t untangle , I’m freaking out. Just might be paranoid. I’m avoiding the lies cause they just might slip. Can someone stop the noise? I don’t know what it is but I just don’t fit. I’m paranoid.

This first single from the Jonas Brothers’ album “Lines Vines & Trying Times” best complements the feeling this boy went through. The feeling this boy went through when…

There was a cookie lying on the oven;

It was so hot, it was so fresh.

He snatched a piece and he ate it.

He gobbled it all in one bite like a little cookie monster.

It tasted good, but different.

He had the cookie alone; no milk, no drink to help it down.

An hour later he felt different.

He was in a crowd but closed off everything around him.

He wishes he drank something with the cookie to wash it down.

His mouth is now dry. His lips are dry. He craves water.

Everyone is smiling. Everyone is cheering. But he makes himself left out.

He feels guilty for eating the cookie. He shouldn’t have snatched it.

He’s losing his mind. He can’t think clearly. He’s freaking out.

He apologizes to himself. He apologizes to his God. He just wants this feeling to go away.

This feeling that he’s going to faint,

This feeling that he’s going to puke,

This feeling that he’s going to get caught,


It’s just guilt. None of this will happen. He’s just letting his paranoia get the best of him.

The feeling goes away.

Everything stops.

Music turns off, lights turn on, and everything is back to normal.

People still cheering, this time he feels included.

What just happened? He ponders and questions.

Was it worth snatching the cookie?

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