Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Beginning of a New Era!

Ok, ok, so I’ve been MIA from this blog for pretty much half a year and I don’t really have a good excuse as to why I stopped blogging. Yes, I did get pretty busy during the second half of 2010 but that wasn’t an excuse to stop blogging; in fact, that should’ve been an excuse to share some of those busy experiences on my blog. Eventually, I kept giving myself dates and deadlines to “revitalize” my blog and give it a new life but those kept getting pushed back to the point where I decided that I will re-start the blog fresh in 2011. And here it is, the start of a new year, the start of new beginnings, the start of new memories and experiences, and the re-start of an old blog.

Calling this blog old seems a bit odd, but just a few months ago it turned 2! It really doesn’t feel like I’ve had this blog for that long, but time really does fly. While planning my whole “comeback” to my blog, I was analyzing my blog thus far thinking about ways I could change it up and critiquing myself on what I would write. It was funny seeing how some of the stuff I wrote about just felt like an open journal at times, while other posts were completely different and were reviews on concerts, music, and films. The blog grew from a personal journal that I intended to be private and read by only my close friends I wanted to give the access to, to a blog on reviewing concerts, music, films, and a look at some of the experiences and “adventures” I was having in life. My style in writing changed, they way I would organize the posts and how I chose to express myself also changed as the blog progressed and I feel that as I grow older, the blog grows with me and I (even you) can probably see that in the posts. That being said, 2011 shall be another interesting chapter in the Khizerlicious blog.


2010 was a crazy yet amazing year for me. I did some things I never thought I would do, and went places I didn’t expect to go so soon. It wasn’t a typical year for me in terms of how things went down, and in that sense, I feel 2010 will forever be a unique and memorable both good and bad ways. A lot of 2010 wasn’t really documented through blogs, and I did plan to post all about it at some point, even if it meant me posting things months later...then I decided that maybe there was a reason I never posted them when I should’ve (asides from laziness and procrastination) and that they will either be a memory forever in my mind, or I will find some creative way of posting them later on in future posts, let’s see! In a nutshell, I held two internships, travelled extensively (4 different countries, 2 different provinces, and migrated between 2 different cities), made new friends / became closer to people I never thought I would, experimented with different choices in life and tried to pretty much figure myself out. In the words of Hilary Duff, this year was almost a “metamorphosis” for me and reflecting back I think it definitely helped me learn more about myself, and life in general. 2010 was most definitely a unique year and an interesting way to start a new decade.

On the flip side, 2011, I want to be completely different. I feel that I lived 2010 as a nomad while I want to live 2011 as a settler. It is an odd comparison, but its the best way to describe it without going into details no one cares to read about. On that note, I do want 2011 to be a continued metamorphosis, which may sound redundant since change is constant, but I do feel the next few years of my life are those crucial years of transition from one type of lifestyle to another. Let’s see what happens!

Back to the topic of the blog, I always promise changes, growth, and development, and I do have a lot planned. First off, I know this is something I’ve promised before, but I will start blogging more constant...I promise. Secondly, I have started a few side projects, one being a YouTube channel I started with a close friend where we review episodes of Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, and Glee every week. Another is a YouTube channel I started to be a parallel companion / addition to this blog, so let’s see what happens with that. Lastly, I have another YouTube channel in development with another close friend that should hopefully be launched early this year. Thirdly, I am planning on changing around the layout of this blog a little...I’ve already started a little and originally planned to do that on the blog’s second birthday, but I will definitely have some changes coming soon so keep an eye out for that. Last but not least, the blog itself will go through various changes, in terms of posting, styles of posting, topics blogged about. This blog has traditionally been a place where I describe what’s going on in my life, or reviews on music, concerts, and movies, and it will still focus on those but it will be approached in different ways and will discuss different things. I too am not exactly sure how to describe it, but let’s just say I do plan on blogging more often than I used to.

I’m excited to see what 2011 brings, and am excited to start blogging again! I hope everyone has an incredible year!



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