Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Postman Always Rings Twice?

The other night I fell asleep really late with the intention of sleeping in since I didn't have any classes till later...

...that plan failed.

Come morning time around 8:30-ish, my appartment phone starts ringing. Since I don't have a landline and live off my cell phone, I knew the ring meant someone was downstairs trying to get buzzed in. Having slept late the previous night, I was so tired I didn't feel like getting myself out of bed to buzz someone in.

"Perhaps it was a surprise visitor?" - I argued with myself to get me out of bed.

"What kind of surprise visitor would visit you this early in the morning?" - I argued back to myself.

Good point.

Cell phone underneath my pillow, I take a look to see if anyone texted me that they would be coming in the morning or that they were downstairs.


The phone kept ringing. I still had no desire to get up and answer it.

"Maybe its the postman delivering an oversized package?" - Another thought I pondered to myself.

This was a huge possibility and I actually almost got myself up to go answer it. I argued with myself again, "that would mean you'd have to put clothes on, go downstairs, pick up the item, come back up and your whole sleep would be ruined".

Good point.

The postman could just leave a pick up slip on the door, and I can pick it up when I go to school later. The phone stopped ringing. I went back to sleep.


I wake up and get ready to head out of the house. I was still wondering who the caller at my door was in the early morning but believed that it was probably the postman. I go downstairs, and check my mailbox.

No mail. Odd.

I go to the lobby and check for a package pick up card stuck on the entrance doors. Nothing.


That meant it hadn't been the postman in the morning. Who could it have been? I checked my phone once again incase I perhaps missed a text or call.


Ugh, I should've woken up.

The mystery still remains; I will never know who came to visit me at 8:30 in the morning. For all I know, it could've just been someone trying to get in so they buzzed my apartment. But then again, my last name is in the middle of the alphabet so why me?

I declared to myself that next time I hear my apartment phone ring, despite how lazy and tired I might be feeling, I should make the effort of getting myself out of bed and answering it.

The title from James M Cain's classic noir tale, The Postman Always Rings Twice, holds true as the person who buzzed that morning only rang once.

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