Saturday, October 17, 2009

Shukriya. Merci. Thank You. Gracias.

Thank You – Jay-Z

Thank you, thank you, thank you; hold your applause for later. Thank you, thank you, thank you; you’re far too kind.

Just like Jay is thanking his fans for all the success and support, I am writing this blog to thank everyone for the tremendous support I got during the MuchMusic VJ Search.

Throughout the whole pre-competition, I got support from so many friends, family, and people who randomly saw my audition and added me to Facebook and joined my group because of. By the end of the search, my group reached 300 members! People spread links through Twitter, Facebook, forums, and their MSN! One of my good friends spread the word at my university and introduced me to a bunch of her friends to increase my support.

On top of all that, Verve Girl magazine in Toronto chose 10 people they thought were the best for the VJ position and invited them to participate in a mini challenge at their studios! It was amazing being one of the chosen among all the thousands of entries! I went to Toronto to attend the mini challenge where only 5 people came. It was a lot of fun; I met new people, got to interview lead singer of indie band “The Clicks” and most of all, felt recognized.

At the end of the search, I wasn’t chosen as a semi finalist, and though it hurt a little bit, it was more bittersweet. Despite not winning, I got a lot of support from everyone and had a great time campaigning myself. I had such a fun time making the video and the whole process itself was just a great experience. On top of that, I also earned myself an internship at Verve Girl / Youth Culture. Therefore, out of the whole thing, I just learned and gained so much. I got amazing feedback even after I wasn’t chosen! Here are some responses I got:

“No worries bro keep your head up always next time and ull be more experience too… bro i wanted to tell u look even though u didnt get selected ur still a role model to all people younger like me so ull do it next time”

“ your video was so much better than all the ones i saw”

“Khizer is the VJ in my bed”

“Khizer is the vj in my head, Khizer is the vj of the dead”

“what abunch of whores D; ! I voted for you like 200 times lol”

“I so thought you'd at least make the top 12 cause of the contest at vervegirl…punks don't know what they're doing”

“hey khiz, sorry about Much's stupidity. I feel like we should mutiny”

"The simple fact that you didn't make the final 16 definitely leads me to believe that there's more of a conspiracy than first thought. There will be many other things that will come your way."

“wtff…yoo Muchh is gayy shyttt…man forgett deem…likee who needss them… like who cares if u dont get to vj uwll be like a dentist withh like millionss so yee there stupid…likee i watchedd alot of dem…and ur was by far the best…even if i didnt know u, so like in myy head u wonn …ur the vj of my life”

“remember everything happens for a reasonnn ”

So once again, I thank everyone for the massive support I got throughout the whole competition! It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but one day MuchMusic will be my workplace! I promise you that.

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